Page transitions replaced by ZoomPageTransitionsBuilder
#In order to ensure that libraries follow the latest OEM behavior, the default page transition builders now use ZoomPageTransitionsBuilder
on all platforms (excluding iOS and macOS) instead of FadeUpwardsPageTransitionsBuilder
#The FadeUpwardsPageTransitionsBuilder
(provided with the first Flutter release), defined a page transition that's similar to the one provided by Android O. This page transitions builder will eventually be deprecated on Android, as per Flutter's deprecation policy.
, the new page transition builder for Android, Linux, and Windows, defines a page transition that's similar to the one provided by Android Q and R.
According to the Style guide for Flutter repo, the framework will follow the latest OEM behavior. Page transition builders using FadeUpwardsPageTransitionsBuilder
are all switched to the ZoomPageTransitionsBuilder
. When the current TargetPlatform
doesn't have PageTransitionsBuilder
defined in the ThemeData.pageTransitionsTheme
, ZoomPageTransitionsBuilder
is used as the default.
Description of change
s defined in PageTransitionsTheme._defaultBuilders
have changed from FadeUpwardsPageTransitionsBuilder
to ZoomPageTransitionsBuilder
, TargetPlatform.linux
Migration guide
#If you want to switch back to the previous page transition builder (FadeUpwardsPageTransitionsBuilder
), you should define builders explicitly for the target platforms.
Code before migration:
theme: ThemeData(colorScheme: ColorScheme.fromSeed(seedColor: Colors.deepPurple)),
Code after migration:
theme: ThemeData(
pageTransitionsTheme: const PageTransitionsTheme(
builders: <TargetPlatform, PageTransitionsBuilder>{ FadeUpwardsPageTransitionsBuilder(), // Apply this to every platforms you need.
If you want to apply the same page transition builder to all platforms:
theme: ThemeData(
pageTransitionsTheme: PageTransitionsTheme(
builders: Map<TargetPlatform, PageTransitionsBuilder>.fromIterable(
value: (dynamic _) => const FadeUpwardsPageTransitionsBuilder(),
Tests migration
#If you used to try to find widgets but failed with Too many elements using the new transition, and saw errors similar to the following:
══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY FLUTTER TEST FRAMEWORK ╞════════════════════════════════════════════════════
The following StateError was thrown running a test:
Bad state: Too many elements
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
#0 Iterable.single (dart:core/iterable.dart:656:24)
#1 WidgetController.widget (package:flutter_test/src/controller.dart:69:30)
#2 main.<anonymous closure> (file:///path/to/your/test.dart:1:2)
You should migrate your tests by using the descendant
scope for Finder
s with the specific widget type. Below is the example of DataTable
's test:
Test before migration:
final Finder finder = find.widgetWithIcon(Transform, Icons.arrow_upward);
Test after migration:
final Finder finder = find.descendant(
of: find.byType(DataTable),
matching: find.widgetWithIcon(Transform, Icons.arrow_upward),
Widgets that typically need to migrate the finder scope are: Transform
, FadeTransition
, ScaleTransition
, and ColoredBox
#Landed in version: 2.13.0-1.0.pre
In stable release: 3.0.0
#API documentation:
Relevant issues:
Relevant PR:
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