Navigator's page APIs breaking change
#The Navigator
page APIs are refactored so that they can integrate with Flutter's other pop mechanisms.
#The onPopPage
property was added for cleaning up pages after a page is about to be popped. To veto pop, you'd return false
in the callback. This did not work well with other popping mechanisms in the framework, such as PopScope
and iOS back gestures.
To integrate the framework's pop mechanisms together, the page APIs needed to be refactored.
Description of change
#The onDidRemovePage
property replaces the onPopPage
property. You can no longer veto a pop in the onDidRemovePage
property. Instead, you are only responsible for updating the pages
The veto mechanism is now managed with the Page.canPop
and Page.onPopInvoked
properties. These function similar to how you use the PopScope
Migration guide
#Code before migration:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
final MaterialPage<void> page1 = MaterialPage<void>(child: Placeholder());
final MaterialPage<void> page2 = MaterialPage<void>(child: Placeholder());
final MaterialPage<void> page3 = MaterialPage<void>(child: Placeholder());
void main() {
final List<Page<void>> pages = <Page<void>>[page1, page2, page3];
home: Navigator(
pages: pages,
onPopPage: (Route<Object?> route, Object? result) {
if (route.settings == page2) {
return false;
if (route.didPop) {
return true;
return false;
Code after migration:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
final MaterialPage<void> page1 = MaterialPage<void>(child: Placeholder());
final MaterialPage<void> page2 = MaterialPage<void>(canPop: false, child: Placeholder());
final MaterialPage<void> page3 = MaterialPage<void>(child: Placeholder());
void main() {
final List<Page<void>> pages = <Page<void>>[page1, page2, page3];
home: Navigator(
pages: pages,
onDidRemovePage: (Page<Object?> page) {
#Landed in version: 3.22.0-32.0.pre
In stable release: 3.24.0
#API documentation:
Relevant issue:
Relevant PR:
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